Billing Receipts and Refunds


Getting Started

This article is for our legacy credit card billing system. If your account has been migrated to our new billing system, please refer to this article.

Please update your credit card information in the Choozle platform to avoid future disruption of your campaigns. 

Choozle bills at both the Organization Account level and the individual Advertiser Account level. Platform fees are billed to the Organization, whereas campaign fund refills and CRM fees are billed to the Advertiser. 

For a recap on how you will be billed in your Choozle account, see the Campaign Budget Funding Process article.

For a recap on how to manage your subscription, see the Managing your Account Subscription article.

Billing Tips

As you are launching your digital advertising campaigns, it is important to note that all campaigns and activities within the platform are all active. Meaning that when building out campaigns, there are no “test” dates or budgets. Your credit card will be charged based on the budget on the first day of the campaign.

Depending on your budget (see Campaign Budget Funding Process), your card will be charged a percentage of funds on the first day of the campaign. Even if you have no creatives in place, your card will be charged. The funds will then live in the platform until you add creatives. The campaign cannot start spending those funds until creatives are in place because you can only bid on inventory that you have ads to serve in that space. 

If your campaign is archived and you unarchive and make edits to any ad groups, those ad groups will go live and charge your card at the end of each day with the funds they spent. In sum, do not make changes to archived ad groups, and if you do for whatever reason, make sure to disable all ad groups, even in the “archived” setting.

Billing Receipts

During registration, you will enter your required details to create your “Organization Account” and subsequent “Advertiser Accounts.” A credit card is required to activate your subscription and ensure you have continued access to your account and the platform. At the time of registration, you will be charged a prorated amount for the days remaining in the month in which you register.

After your first month or usage, your Subscription Plan will automatically renew at the first of the following month and you will be charged the full amount of your subscription. Your Subscription Plan will renew automatically and continue month-to-month. The admin associated with each account will receive an email when any credit card charges are made to your account. You can use these as receipts if necessary.

You are able to get a copy of all transactions made in the platform by clicking 'Print' from the Transactions & Balances area in your account or organization settings. If you need a more official receipt for your records, clients, or accounting teams, please get in touch with us in the Support Center with the date/amount for the charge you need a receipt for. We can then pull a receipt from the back end for all the charges you need documentation on; however, the look-back window on these may be limited, so please be sure to not wait until the end of the year to request your receipts.

Campaign Balance

For a recap on how you will be billed in your Choozle account, see the Campaign Budget Funding Process article.  

If you are looking for a refund on an unspent campaign balance, please remember that 7 days after the campaign ends (or if you immediately archive your campaign), your unspent campaign funds will automatically roll over to the overall account funds. If you plan to run a campaign in the near future (1-3 months), we recommend leaving the unspent funds in the platform. You can request a refund in the Support Center if you plan to halt media spending longer. If the charge on your credit card was within a ~100 day period, we can issue a refund through our accounting software back onto the card on file. If the charge was more than 100 days in the past, our accounting team will have to send the refund as a paper check. The paper check will be in the mail within 30 days.

Refunds & Cancellations

You may cancel your Subscription Plan by selecting the “Cancel Account” option in the account settings within the Platform. You must cancel your Subscription Plan before the end of your pre-paid period to avoid charges for the next billing cycle. If you cancel your Subscription Plan, you will lose all access, upon the expiration of your current pre-paid period, to the Choozle Platform and any data or information stored in your account.  If you need any assistance through this process, please reach out to our Support Center.

If you request to cancel your account and wish to receive a refund for any unspent campaign balances, it is your responsibility to initiate the refund request. Refunds for account cancellations will be processed at the end of the month in which the cancellation/refund request is made. For example, if an account is canceled in December, the processing date will be 12/31.