Choozle ensures that all advertisers meet a high standard of ad quality and brand safety to protect both advertisers and publishers. This section describes those standards.
For further background on ad standards, see the IAB Display Advertising Guidelines.
Advertising should be safe for all users. The following are prohibited:
Phishing | "Phishing" is an attempt to obtain users' personal information by disguising a website to look like another website. |
Sale of Free Items and Official Services | Sale of items or services that are otherwise available for free. We also do not allow the sale of government forms or services that are available for free or for a lower price on the official or government site. |
Malware | Malware, short for "malicious software," refers to any software specifically designed to harm a computer or the software it's running. Malware can steal sensitive information (like credit card numbers or passwords) or even send fake emails from a user's email account, often without the user's knowledge. Malware includes, but isn't limited to, viruses, worms, spyware, and Trojan horses. |
Compromised User Safety | Cannot make misleading claims. Example : Get Rich Quick! Must promote products with credible, realistic claims. Must display relevant disclaimers or other information required by law. Must promote transparency and accuracy. |
Spam Techniques | Not allowed :
Restricted Products and Services
Advertising should comply with applicable laws and regulations.
Abortion | No ads related to abortion that use violent language or gruesome imagery. Abortion-related services are allowed, depending on the country. Consult with your Account Manager for details. |
Alcohol | With certain geographic restrictions, we accept ads for alcohol branding or information, including the promotion of beer, wine, and spirits. Branding and informational ads include any advertisement which features an alcoholic beverage as the focus of the advertisement or the website. We accept branding and informational ads to target certain countries only, based on multiple factors including user experience and legal considerations. In many cases, pre-approval may be required from the supply-side platform in order to run ads that contain or depict alcohol, liquor, or spirits. See more on Alcohol restrictions in our Sensitive Content Guidelines article. |
“Anti” and Violence | Choozle does not allow the promotion of "anti" or violent concepts, such as the following:
Casinos and Gambling | Please reach out to the support center for additional information about our gambling policy |
Endangered Species | Choozle does not allow the promotion of products obtained from endangered or threatened species. |
Fake Documents | Choozle does not allow the promotion of fake documents such as fake ID, fake passports, and fake invoices |
Financial Services | All advertisers advertising products and services related to financial services must do the following:
Prohibited content:
Choozle has discretion to deny advertisers for additional reasons that may not be listed above. Independent newsletters that lead to credible sites may not be held to the above standards. |
Fireworks | Choozle does not allow the promotion of fireworks and pyrotechnic devices. |
Healthcare and Medications | There are restrictions on the promotion of healthcare-related products and services. We have different requirements for advertising healthcare-related products based on the product you're advertising and the country you're targeting. Reach out to your account manager for more details. Pre-approval may be required from the supply side platform in order to run ads depicting healthcare and medication-related products. |
Illegal Drugs | Choozle does not allow the promotion of illegal drugs, legal or synthetic highs, herbal drugs, chemicals and compounds with psychoactive effects, drug paraphernalia, or aids to pass drug tests. |
Illegal Hacking | Choozle does not allow ads or websites that promote hacking by providing instructions or equipment to illegally access or tamper with software, servers, cell phones, or websites. |
Illegal Products & Services | Choozle does not allow the advertising of illegal products and services. |
Political Advertising | Choozle does not allow advertising for political candidates or parties where it is prohibited by law. Requirements:
Sexually-explicit content | Choozle does not allow ads which:
Solicitation of Funds | Choozle does not allow the solicitation of funds (donations) unless they are for tax-exempt organizations. |
Tobacco Products | Choozle does not allow the promotion of most tobacco or tobacco-related products. The promotion of tobacco or tobacco-related products includes cigarettes, cigars, tobacco pipes, rolling papers, electronic cigarettes, and e-cigarette cartridges. |
Traffic devices | Choozle does not allow the promotion of products that are designed to interfere with the enforcement of traffic laws. While radar detectors are allowed in most countries (see details below), radar jammers and other law evading products aren't allowed. |
Underage | Choozle doesn't allow the promotion of underage-themed sexual content, including child sexual abuse imagery and non-consensual or illegal sexual content. We don't allow this content regardless of whether it meets applicable legal restrictions around this kind of content. |
Trademark, Copyright, Counterfeit | All advertising, as well as the products and services being advertised, must clearly comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to trademark, copyright, and counterfeit goods. |
Weapons | Choozle does not allow the imagery or promotion of weapons or devices designed to cause serious harm or injury. This includes, but is not limited to guns, gun parts or hardware, ammunition, bombs, knives, throwing stars, and brass knuckles. |
Cannabis | Choozle does not allow the promotion of Cannabis. |
Cryptocurrency | Choozle does not allow the promotion of cryptocurrency |
Affiliate Marketing | Choozle does not allow affiliate marketing An exception can be made if:
Accurate Ads
Ads should not be misleading, inaccurate, or deceitful.
Advertiser Claims | All ads should be truthful, accurate, and up-to-date every time they are shown to users. Advertiser claims include but are not limited to: competitive claims, superlatives, offers, discounts, and pricing. This policy also covers unverified offers and claims that are either scientifically impossible or otherwise misleading to users.
Relevant, Accurate, Clear |
Banned Characteristics
Landing pages featuring the following content may not run on Choozle:
- Unbranded ads
- Pornographic or highly suggestive content or images, nudity or suggestive content or images
- Promoting adult products, including sex toys and sexual enhancers
- Promoting adult-themed dating, escort services, “mail-order brides,” or similar services
- Sales of weapons or ammunition
- Sale of tobacco
- Peer-to-peer file sharing, torrents, or anything that facilitates or promotes copyright infringement
- Extreme violence or incitement of hatred of any race, religion, creed, class, or ethnic group or of any individual or group
- Hate content, including sites that advocate the superiority of a specific race or ethnic group
- Promotion of illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia
- Promotion of black-hat hacking, cracking, or warez
- Any other content that is illegal, promotes illicit or harmful activity, or infringes on the rights of others. This includes sites that provide “how-to” information on bomb-making, lock-picking, and similar topics
- Defamatory or libelous content
- Distribution of viruses, malware install spyware, trojans, viruses, or other malware
- Descriptions, depictions, or glorification of the pain, suffering, torture, violence or death of or against humans or animals
- Sales or promotion of firearms, ammunition, bombs or other weapons, or related design materials
- Automatic redirections of the user to a new page or app; pop-ups on a webpage upon banner open or upon page exit
- Anything misleading or containing content that is not reflective of what the user will find on the clickthrough URL
- Payday cash advance advertisers and payday lending/credit lending
- The advertisement of stand-up lead generation forms in which the advertiser does not offer or directly fulfill the claim in the advertisement
- Advertisements with the sole purpose of collecting and distributing sensitive information of a user
- The advertisement of disreputable news organizations and stand-up news sites that market themselves as legitimate news sources
- Landing pages and company sites must be professionally built and accurately reflect the quality of the product/service being sold
- Landing pages must be secure (https) and must share the same domain as your display url
Choozle reserves the right to deny clients who are engaged in pending lawsuits or have had a judgement made against the organization or individual in a previous lawsuit
- The collection of PII without a valid method for users to opt-out
- The collection of PII without a terms of service or privacy policy
Advertising should not disrupt content consumption or intrude into content. The following guidelines identify disruptive ad experiences that must not be used.
- Pop-up ads—These are ads that cover or overlay the content or obstruct users from viewing the content. It Includes all ads that pop up on the user’s screen and cover the content as well as ads that "float in," "slide in," or "fly in" to the screen, and obstruct the full view or partial view of the screen’s primary content. This also includes any ads that automatically take the user to an interstitial or overlay ad without user initiation or user action to navigate content.
- Auto-expansion—Ads that expand from their original size to a bigger size without user initiation must not be used. Expansion while scrolling is allowed.
- Hover or rollover expansion—For the purpose of ad expansion, hover must not be considered a substitute for a click. On hover, no ad function that changes the form or size of the ad from its original size—for example, expansion—is allowed.
- Sideways ad expand that overlays content—No directional or sideways expansion of an ad is allowed. All ads must expand to cover the full screen. If the expanded creative size is not full screen, it must be placed in the center of the screen.
- Auto-play video with audio—Auto-play defines automatic initiation of media by the ad. These ads auto-play audio on desktop and mobile devices. Video play is defined as the execution of specific files (for example, .mp4s) that are used to play video. Audio is allowed to auto-play only under specific conditions.
- Forced countdown—Forced countdowns to dismiss or skip ads (either interstitials or an expanded part of the ad) must not be used. The user should immediately have the option to "Close" or "Dismiss" the ad from the beginning of the ad experience.
- Pages with high ad density—Pages that have ads covering more than 30% of pixels are considered high ad density pages. Pages should have less than 30% ad density. An ad may sometimes have more than 30% of pixels in the user’s viewport, but not more than 30% of pixels on the page. Such ads are allowed under the following guidance:
- An ad is allowed to occupy more than 30% of the viewport at a time (for example, a 1:1 ad on a mobile phone), but the combined ads on the overall page (as the user scrolls down) must not have more than 30% of pixels.
- If an ad has more than 30% ad density of the viewport where it is to be shown, it must start with partial viewability (no more than 30% of height screen) on-screen and gain full viewability as the user scrolls through the page.
- Scroll-over or scrolling overlay—These are ads that appear while scrolling and auto-expand to cover the content or screen, ads that do not expand inline but overlay the content or ads that expand against the user's scrolling direction.
- Flashing animation—Flashing animation has content with one or more of the following: high contrast colors, very bright colors, or fast-moving images or content.
- Audio—Ads may not contain audio, except for user-initiated rich media ads, pre/post/mid-roll video
Content Guidelines
Choozle reserves the right to remove any ads deemed intrusive or inappropriate. In addition to items specifically documented here, Choozle also upholds the policies of our partner SSPs, including but not limited to:
Ads must:
- Have a visible border of a contrasting color to the majority background color of the creative.
- Comply with ad guidelines and specifications.
Ads may not:
- Contain fake hyperlinks.
- Resemble Windows, Unix, or Mac dialog boxes.
- Simulate fake interactivity.
- Contain sexual content.
- Contain audio. Exceptions include user-initiated rich media ads, pre/post/mid-roll video, and audio channel ads conforming to our Audio Creative Specifications).
- Initiate downloads.
- Be intrusive.
- Advertise competitive content.
- Contain misleading content.
- Utilize Bitly / shortened URLs
- Contain auto-redirects with the URL
- Collect PII in the ad unit
Google AdX also enforces the following limits:
- 5MB or smaller download size on display ads
- 25 or fewer cookies
- 100 or fewer HTTP calls