Amazon DSP Ad Specs - Mobile App Static Banner


Image Banner Ads

Rich Media Ads (Third-party Served Only)

Creative Guidelines


Amazon DSP mobile offers display advertisers the ability to reach and target mobile users on high-quality third-party mobile applications on Android, Fire Tablet, and iOS platforms.

Image Banner Ads

Ad Size Creative Dimensions Max. File Weight File Format
320 x 50 640 x 100 px @2X (required) 50 kb JPG / PNG-8
300 x 250 600 x 500 px @2X 40 kb JPG / PNG-8
728 x 90 1456 x 180 px @2x 200 kb JPG / PNG-8
414x125* 828 x 250 px @2x (required) 200 kb JPG / PNG-8

* The 414x125 is a custom ad size that runs on Amazon mobile web and mobile app shopping only. See guidelines, specifications, and PSD template here.

Rich Media Ads (Third-party Served Only)

Ad Size Max. Initial File Load File Format
320 x 50 100 kb HTML
300 x 250 200 kb HTML
728 x 90 200 kb HTML
600 x 90 200 kb HTML
1024 x 50 200 kb HTML

Creative Guidelines


  • 320x50 banners must be designed at 2X resolution (640x100px) and 414x125 banners must be designed at 2X resolution (828x250) to maintain image clarity on high-resolution screens.
  • Banner ads on Amazon DSP Mobile must contain an AdChoices label in one corner, which Amazon will automatically overlay on your creative.
  • Banners that link to Amazon must include an Amazon logo or a textual reference to Amazon, as outlined in our Creative Acceptance Policy.
  • The font size should be at least 16pt (at 2X resolution) and must be legible when viewed on the device.
  • The advertiser’s logo or name must be included in mobile banner ads.


In addition, Amazon recommends the following creative guidelines for Amazon DSP Mobile banners:

  • Mobile banners are recommended, but not required, to be designed at 2X resolution.
  • If a creative background image utilizes a photo, pattern, or text, it should be simple, non-distracting, and understated.
  • The text should be minimal. Remove any unnecessary or extraneous language.
  • Creative should have a clearly visible non-white 1-pixel border or a dark or high contrast background color that distinguishes it from a site’s content.
  • A headline or copy message is also recommended.
  • Animation (e.g. animated GIF files) is permitted but not recommended in Amazon DSP mobile banners.


Third-party ad serving supported for DoubleClick INS tags. We can accept third-party impressions and click trackers (1x1) for other approved third-party technology providers.