Adding UTMs to Choozle Campaigns


Adding UTMS to Creatives

After you’ve decided where you will drive the traffic from your campaign creative assets and you’ve decided on all relevant components of the actual UTM tag, you are ready to attach those tags to individual creative assets within the “Creative Assets” tab within the Libraries dropdown in Choozle.

Creative Assests Menu Dropdown

Once you click on the “Creative Assets” option from the dropdown, you will be brought to the page where ALL of the creative assets you plan to leverage should live. 

Creative Assets Overview

NOTE: We recommend strict naming conventions for assets to keep your creatives organized. For example, if we use the same asset for CTV and OLV, we’ll want the file names to match that - i.e., “Choozle_Final_CTV_15” and “Choozle_Final_OLV_15” are the same asset, but being leveraged in different verticals. 

Once you reach the “Creative Assets” page, you’ll want to click on the creative asset name in the first column to which you plan to add a UTM tag. Remember that you'll want to create duplicate assets if you plan to leverage assets for more than one ad placement (i.e., using a video asset for OLV and CTV). By duplicating the asset, we can create unique UTM tags for each to look more accurately at source efforts instead of just creative performance. 

Upon clicking the creative asset name, you will be brought to the following view: 

Edit Creative Asset

As you can see in the above screenshot, two different URLs are leveraged within this view: The Landing Page URL and Click-Through URL.

The Landing Page URL should be where you’d like to direct users who click on the link in your ad, without any UTM parameters.

The Click-Through URL space is where we will drop our full UTM-inclusive URL; the Click-Through URL is where all UTM codes should live within Choozle, NOT “Third Party Tracking.” 

Retrafficking Choozle Creatives for Better UTM Tracking

The Choozle Creative Asset library and setup structure allow us to append the same creative asset to multiple ad groups. While this is great for campaign setup efficiencies, this means we lose much granularity in UTM tracking and understanding website behavior across our various targeting tactics.

The best practice would be to assign one ad to one ad group so that the UTM can be customized to include ad group-level details. In order to do so,  upload and rename a version of each ad to append to the ad group.

  1. Re-traffic all ads + update naming conventions specific to each ad group
    1. Current setup structure:
      1. Ad = 320x50-self-serve-ad-v1.jpg applied 3x to:
        1. Media Buyers (ad group)
        2. Business Decision makers (ad group)
        3. Site Retargeting (ad group)
      2. With UTMs appended at the ad level and applied to multiple ad groups, we cannot include ad group tracking within the UTM
    2. Revised setup needed:
      1. Ad (in all sizes) renamed to = “size_ad name_ad group”
        1. EX = 320x50_self-serve-v1_media buyers
      2. The same ad uploaded 2x more and named:
        1. size_ad name_business-decision-makers
        2. size_ad name_retargeting
      3. Each respective ad in all sizes will get appended to the ad group outlined in the ad name
      4. Each ad, since it will be broken up by ad group, can now get a custom tracking parameter per ad group added in
  2. To add in an additional UTM parameter so we can track website engagement by ad group/targeting tactic
    1. Example of UTM updates needed:
      1. Add “term” field: this will be the ad group name
      2. Add “content” field: this will be the ad name